So much has happened this year without anything really happening. I switched jobs (this period literally sucked the soul out of me), caught COVID, celebrated getting older - all from the comfort of my bedroom. I have been so busy with my job in the past couple of months that I had lost motivation to produce creative juices. All I did was binge-watch Netflix and sleep.
Thankfully it seems I'm out of that slump. I've got so much to do that I'm practically bouncing with ideas :D
So for the first time since March, I got inspired to paint again. I stumbled across this picture of two health workers in an article covering the spread of the pandemic in India. It struck a chord of desperation and hopelessness which I guess all of us were feeling at that point. Things have been bad for us, but I can't imagine how it must have been inside a hospital to be surrounded by illness and unable to help. I wanted to capture this.
It was not easy for me to paint this. I find it hard to capture non-uniform patterns like creases on the folds of the clothes or hair texture, etc. So I literally spent the majority of my time painting the clothes only. Also I think such a picture should have been done in a different style (abstract painting) rather than the one I usually do in (realistic painting), since I'm not trying to capture a scene but an emotion and emotions are not neatly felt like the visuals our eyes see. But I have yet to explore all the brushes in Krita and attempt more styles. I'm itching to try water colors (of course digitally) so maybe I'll do that next time.